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Barton Reading and Spelling Program

susan barton video screen capture

Repeating a grade (being held back) is not the solution to learning difficulties. Being taught in a way that your brain understands is the solution.

This is Susan Barton, the creator of the The Barton Reading and Spelling Program. Take a minute and listen to what she has to say about retention.

Please give Jamie Bartuska a call at the Mosaic Apple (396.6273) or shoot her an email ( with any questions you may have about learning difficulties, dyslexia or the services the Mosaic Apple provides.

Jamie is invested in making school (and life) a little easier for Missoula area children who work with and around their learning difficulties. She is an experienced special education teacher, a Barton Tutor and a dyslexic.

  • We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. Maya Angelou

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PO Box 391
Missoula, MT 59806